Rough-barked Manna Gum
Tree ID: 81
Common name:   Rough-barked Manna Gum
Botanic name:   Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis
Height:   7 metres
DBH:   34
Similar trees in the WBG
Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis
When work began on the present site of Warrnambool Botanic Gardens in 1866 the land was heavily timbered. Remnant vegetation is still there with three old Manna Gums, Eucalyptus viminalis and a Sweet Bursaria, Bursaria spinosa surviving.
The old gums provide nesting hollows for the birds, while one is host to a hive of native bees. Recently plants grown from the seed of these original trees and shrubs have been added to the collection.
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