Bhutan Cypress

Tree ID: 319

Common name:   Bhutan Cypress

Botanic name:   Cupressus torulosa

Height:   20 metres

DBH:   168

Similar trees in the WBG


The Bhutan Cypress would have to be one of the most majestic of all trees in our gardens.  They originate, as their name indicates, in the Himalayas and one can well understand that early explorers would marvel at their stature and seek to introduce them to the grand gardens and parks of Europe where their great height and spreading branches of soft green foliage could be admired.

The name C. torulosa is derived from the word 'torulosus' which describes its cylindrical structure.

We are lucky to have several growing in the gardens. The largest is near the south west gate with its elegant branches almost reaching the ground, and there is another tall one close to the fernery.

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